January 25


6 Benefits for All Small Businesses to Incorporate a Monthly Newsletter

By Erik

January 25, 2023

Audience Reach, Content Strategy, Customer Engagement, Email Newsletter, Industry Credibility, Niche Authority, Revenue, Website Traffic

Implementing a monthly email newsletter can be the game-changer that helps your small business outpace your competitors.

That is assuming you do it correctly.

With the above in mind, whether you're a fledgling start-up or a veteran entrepreneur, we'll cover six benefits of incorporating a monthly email newsletter for your small business in this post.

Read on to learn more.

1. Connect With a Broader Audience

Most people have an email address.

Hence, the potential audience for delivering an email newsletter is enormous.

In addition, people tend to trust emails more than social media posts.

Moreover, like social media posts, you can schedule email messages to deliver on certain days and times.

Yet, they typically have a longer life span and are easier to create when done correctly.

Equally important, most customers prefer receiving email communication from brands they engage with and purchase from.

So be sure to give them this option.

2. Building Authority and Credibility

Building authority and credibility within your industry or niche is paramount for increasing sales.

And, by all means, email newsletters are an excellent way to accomplish this.

With this in mind, you can use your monthly email newsletter to consistently deliver tips and advice that address your customer pain points and demonstrate your industry knowledge as a subject matter expert.

Hence, they will turn to you rather than your competitors whenever they have questions or need help solving a particular problem.

3. A Monthly Email Newsletter Can Help Increase Your Website Traffic 

Increasing website traffic is a common goal for most businesses today since increased traffic typically yields increased conversions.

Additionally, increased web traffic can help your site rank better on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo since they prioritize sites that regularly deliver helpful information that attracts larger audiences.

Again, the key to receiving website traffic via email newsletters is to make them as informative as possible.

Nonetheless, you can promote new offers and special discounts from time to time.

4. Increasing Revenue via Monthly Email Newsletter

Publishing a monthly email newsletter can help you quickly and easily increase revenue for your small business.

That is to say, producing helpful, relevant content your audience loves builds trust that leads to increased sales.

Considering this, you can also use clever tactics like offering your email subscribers exclusive discounts that make people want to take advantage of them.

5. Elevating Your Content Strategy

Producing excellent content helps increase brand awareness that attracts and retains customers.

However, effective distribution of your content takes substantial consistency and effort.

Fortunately, email newsletters get your message in front of your customers by delivering straight to subscriber inboxes.

Notably, including links to new blog posts on your site or social media accounts are just a few options for your newsletter content.

6. Increasing Engagement Among Existing Customers 

Acquiring new customers is essential in business; however, you can't forget about your existing ones.

Above all, repeat buyers account for the majority of revenue in most companies.

That is to say, existing customers provide consistent cash flow and often
spend more than new customers.

Therefore, sending monthly email newsletters can keep your customers engaged and your offers firmly in mind.

In Conclusion

As shown above, there are numerous benefits to communicating with your subscribers and customer base via a monthly email newsletter for your small business, whether brick-and-mortar or exclusively online.

Consequently, now is the time to incorporate one into your marketing strategy if you have yet to do so.

Fortunately, you can find lots of information online to help you easily create one or outsource if desired.

Either way, get started today.

You won't regret it! 

Hope this helps,


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