November 18


6 Mistakes Local Businesses Make With Their Website

By Erik

November 18, 2022

Contact Options, Credibility, CTA, Local Business Marketing, Website Content, Website Design, Website Usability

Building and maintaining a well-optimized website for your local business is essential for success in today's competitive marketplace.

Yet, local businesses often make numerous website mistakes when attempting to increase conversions from their site visitors.

With this in mind, creating a visually appealing, well-optimized, and correctly functioning website for your business requires significant thought and careful planning.

In this post, we'll discuss some of the most common website mistakes small businesses make, such as failing to construct an easy-to-navigate design or neglecting the importance of mobile optimization.

With these tips, you'll be better able to create a website to help you reach your business goals.

So, prepare to learn six mistakes local businesses make with their website that could cost you time and money.

1. Poor Quality Content is among the most frequent website mistakes

Having a flashy, eye-catching design on your website means little if your site features poor-quality content.

Notably, you have only seconds to capture a visitor's attention on your site; therefore, your content must be captivating, relevant, and straightforward.

Again, remember the importance of featuring quality website content when attempting to attract and convert new customers. 

2. Messy design

Finding ways to stand out in an increasingly competitive online marketplace is critical; nevertheless, many businesses are excessive with their web design, resulting in a messy interface with too much going on.

As a result, visitors typically bounce when visiting a messy website and are unlikely to return.

3. Not checking usability

Regularly checking the usability and functionality of your website will allow you to experience your site from a customer's perspective, helping you understand why it delivers the current results.

Therefore, you should visit your website as a customer would, paying attention to the following:

  • Does the site load quickly?
  • How easy is website navigation?
  • Are there any mistakes?
  • Can you quickly make a purchase?

Again, the above are some of the primary website components you must evaluate, as your visitors will quickly head over to competitors if your site is slow to load, too complex, or challenging to navigate.

You must remember to ensure your website is easy to use and error-free.

4. Failing to add credibility

Include available customer reviews or testimonials on your website if you haven't already.

Reviews and testimonials are highly effective ways of improving your business and website credibility; including them on your site's home page will help increase conversions since people prefer purchasing from trustworthy companies. 

5. Contact option mistakes

It is best to provide your site visitors with multiple ways of quickly contacting your business, including email, telephone, and website forms.

In contrast, having only one contact method, such as a website form, could cause you to miss out on potential revenue.

With this in mind, the easier you make it for your visitors to contact you, the more likely they will trust and buy from you.

So, verify that your contact details are current while adding a note on your contact page that communicates your estimated response time.

6. There needs to be a clear CTA

Your conversion rates will drop without a clear Call To Action (CTA) even when avoiding all the mistakes above.

Specifically, a clear CTA prompts and tells the site visitor what to do next.

For example, encourage them to look at your digital products or contact you if they have questions on the homepage.

After all, this is a simple trick that can significantly increase the number of website visitors that convert to customers.

You can find plenty of information online to help you sharpen up your CTA, and learning more about how they aid your business will help you enhance and test their effectiveness.

In conclusion

Local businesses should be aware of the user experience that their website delivers to their prospects and customers.

The six mistakes discussed above—poor quality content, messy design, not checking usability, failing to add credibility, contact option mistakes, and failing to include a CTA—can all prevent site visitors from engaging with your business while resulting in loss of revenue.

Yet, taking the time to recognize and address these mistakes can help ensure your local business website is engaging, persuasive, credible, and conversion-focused.

With this in mind, correctly optimizing your website can be time-consuming and somewhat difficult; however, the time and effort will ultimately pay off.

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