December 14


8 Content Marketing Ideas

By Erik

December 14, 2022

Case Studies, Ebooks, Infographics, Instructional Videos, Interviews, Podcasts, Q&A, Tips

Modern digital strategies have made marketing products and services more accessible and affordable for small business owners.

With this in mind, content marketing is a cost-effective way for businesses to attract customers and build relationships.

However, optimizing your content marketing strategy by creating content people want to engage with is easier said than done.

Moreover, when looking for new content marketing ideas, you must first understand that you can produce many types of content for your audience.

From instructional videos to interview-style content - here are eight content marketing ideas you can utilize in your small business.

So, if you're ready to take your brand to the next level, read on.

1. Instructional videos

Videos are currently among the most effective types of content you can create when marketing your business, as video immediately engages your audience and is easier to consume than written content.

With this in mind, you can produce different types of videos, and each can be effective when done correctly; however, instructional videos tend to deliver the best results.

After all, consumers crave informational content that helps solve problems; therefore, producing instructional videos that solve common issues for your audience will do wonders for your business.

2. Tips

Consumers love tip-based content.

Thus, ensure that you focus on tips that improve the lives of your audience while helping them prevent frequently encountered problems.

Equally important, delivering valuable tips can help build you up as an expert and authority in your niche while increasing brand awareness and trust.

Ideally, it would be best to offer unique tips rather than simply rehashing ones your audience can easily find elsewhere.

3. Infographics

Infographics have become highly useful in content marketing as they offer bite-sized pieces of content enhanced with visual design.

In addition, one of the most significant benefits of infographics is how quickly and easily you can create them.

Consequently, you don't need to spend hours putting one together and can even outsource them to a content creator.

Regardless, utilizing infographics is essential when implementing a successful content marketing strategy.

4. Podcasts

Producing your podcast may seem intimidating, but it could significantly improve your marketing efforts, as podcasts have exploded in popularity recently.

Equally important, a podcast can help set you apart from competitors by building your brand and engaging your audience.

At the same time, podcasts can be an excellent alternative to video content if you dislike getting in front of the camera.

Moreover, they help keep your audience returning for more while keeping your business top of mind.

5. Q&A

When searching for content ideas, consider publishing Q&A-style posts.

Notably, this particular content style provides helpful information for your audience, regardless of whether you create it in written or video format.

To start, you can focus on questions frequently asked by your customers.

With this in mind, answering common questions doesn't just help your audience; it can also help save you significant time since you won't need to answer the same questions repeatedly.

6. Interviews

Interviews are a type of content many businesses overlook but should consider.

By all means, interviewing a niche expert for your blog will generate increased traffic, assuming it is a person of interest.

With this in mind, you could interview experts, influencers, professionals, customers, and more.

7. Case studies

While you should primarily focus on informational style content, occasionally, promotional content can also work well.

Case studies, in particular, are an excellent example of promotional content you can produce effectively.

For one thing, case studies allow you to show your audience the results they can expect when purchasing your products or services in addition to customers your business has recently helped.

Additionally, consider producing it in video format to ensure your case study stands out.

Again, videos can be highly effective at engaging your audience.

8. eBooks

eBooks take more effort than the other content types on the list but can generate more powerful results.

However, you can market and sell the eBooks you produce, which helps to create an additional income stream.

Alternatively, you could offer an eBook as a lead magnet to encourage more sign-ups to your email list.

In conclusion

As shown above, content marketing can be powerful when used effectively and creatively.

Again, from creating instructional videos to designing infographics, the goal is to deliver valuable and engaging content to your target audience.

Ideally, it would be best to focus on offering several types of content to help you attract a wider audience and increase your marketing results.

Remember, content marketing isn't a one-time affair but an ongoing process requiring persistence, effort, and experimentation to succeed.

So, test these eight content marketing ideas and see what works best for your small business.

Talk Soon,


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