December 8


6 Mistakes Local Businesses Make on Social Media

By Erik

December 8, 2022

Customer Interaction, Customer Reviews, Local Business Marketing, Promotional Content, Social Media Platforms, Social Media Strategy, Video Content

Social media can be a fantastic marketing tool for local businesses as it helps to build brand awareness, attract new customers, and boost bottom lines when used correctly.

Yet, local businesses can make numerous mistakes when marketing on social media platforms, resulting in ineffective and potentially brand-damaging efforts.

In this post, we look at six common social media mistakes small businesses make, from using the wrong platform to ignoring customer reviews.

So, read on to discover how to maximize your social media presence and create an effective social media strategy for your local business.

1. Using the wrong platform

No two social media platforms are the same, as each attracts a specific type of audience.

With this in mind, determining where your target audience hangs out is critical for marketing success, as simply posting on any platform will typically lead to poor engagement and wasted efforts.

Consequently, you must research and determine which platform your audience primarily uses.

2. Using too many platforms

Utilizing too many social media platforms is another mistake local businesses often make.

Logically, maintaining a presence on multiple platforms would result in a larger audience and greater reach; however, there are a few downsides to employing this approach.

Notably, keeping up with multiple platforms is challenging and diminishes the quality of your content; therefore, your initial strategy should focus on one social media platform while producing quality posts that engage your audience.

3. Ignoring customer reviews/interaction

Social media benefits local businesses by letting them interact and communicate with their audience. 

With this in mind, engagement is critical in marketing as consumers look to develop relationships with brands when purchasing.

After all, consistently ignoring your customers reflects poorly on your business. 

Likewise, it is best to promptly respond to customer comments and reviews, thanking customers for their positive reviews while addressing issues with negative ones.

Thus, show your customers you care about their experience and offer a resolution to any problems they have.

4. Posting only promotional content

While you want to use social media to grow your local business, you should use your channel to help solve common issues your customers experience alongside posting promotional content.

For example, hosting competitions and giveaways that seek feedback from your followers and fans will give you ideas for developing helpful content that boosts engagement and shows that you care about your customers.

5. Not utilizing videos

Most social media platforms allow you to create and upload videos.

Not to mention, did you know videos can be twice as effective as written and image content?

Consequently, now is the time for your local business to utilize videos on your social media channels if you have yet to do so.

Notably, live videos also work exceptionally well at growing an engaged audience.

You can start by producing videos showing and explaining solutions to your audience's problems if you are still determining what type of video content you should initially create.

6. Not having a strategy

Now is the time to develop a solid social media strategy if you lack one.

Specifically, a proper social media marketing strategy defines your content, schedule, and target audience.

Moreover, a strategy can save you time and effort in the long term.

Additionally, it helps to create your strategy based on your current goals.

What do you want to achieve from your social media channel, and what type of posts will help accomplish that?

Again, while it takes time to create a strategy initially, it will be well worth it.

In conclusion

Following the tips above and avoiding these six common mistakes local businesses make on social media will help substantially improve your social media marketing efforts.

Remember that you must post consistently on your social media platforms; however, posting the best content and choosing the appropriate audience plays a prominent role in your social media strategy and are the most significant determining factors for success.

Talk Soon,


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