December 9


Types of Paid Traffic Local Businesses Can Use

By Erik

December 9, 2022

Google Ads, Influencer Marketing, Local Business Marketing, Paid Directory Listings, Paid Traffic Types, Social Media Ads, Sponsored Posts

As a local business owner, communicating your brand message to local consumers is imperative.

With this in mind, paid traffic strategies have proven highly effective for local business marketing; however, the number of options available can be overwhelming when first getting started.

In this post, we have highlighted multiple paid traffic channels your local business can test.

From boosting your online presence to acquiring more leads, we hope to provide you with a better understanding of paid advertising platforms and campaign types.

So, get ready to take your local business to the next level with paid traffic.

Social media ads

Social media advertising is one of the best ways to generate paid traffic, as platforms like Facebook and Twitter allow you to target your ideal customers directly.

With this in mind, you can easily set up ad campaigns that target your audience based on appropriate interests, demographics, and behaviors while readily excluding audiences unlikely to be interested in your advertised products and services.

In addition, social media ads are highly scalable as they allow you to reach millions of potential customers; however, ensuring proper targeting is essential for achieving positive results.

Google Ads

Google Ads are among local businesses' most effective Pay-Per-Click (PPC) opportunities.

With Google PPC Ads, your ad will receive impressions whenever users enter and search your chosen keywords on Google.

Moreover, you can determine keyword competition when you create your campaign and ad while achieving more cost-effective results when selecting keywords with less competition.

Paid/Sponsored posts

If paid ads are too time-consuming, complicated, or costly, consider creating paid or sponsored posts, typically blog posts published on a third-party website.

It is important to remember that you should seek high-authority blogs in your niche and see if they accept sponsored posts while ensuring that you adhere to their provided guidelines before submitting your content for publishing.

Notably, sponsored and paid posts will typically receive premium placement on your chosen blog and are seen by a much wider audience, helping you gain significant exposure.

Influencer marketing

Influencers have become critical for local business marketing campaigns.

For one thing, the rise of social media has granted fame to otherwise ordinary people, and those who successfully build a local audience on their social media channels can get paid to advertise products and services.

Consequently, local businesses frequently collaborate with influencers within their niche to help boost brand awareness.

Thus, consider partnering with an influencer if you have yet to do so.

Instagram in particular, is an excellent platform for finding influencers.

Accordingly, search for posts relating to the products and services you sell, and then survey the most popular posts to determine the biggest influencers in your niche.

After researching, you can contact those specific influencers and attempt to create a paid partnership.

By all means, your brand can receive tremendous exposure if the influencer has a large following.

Paid directory listings

Free business directories are abundant and helpful; however, you may achieve better results from paid listings.

After all, paid directory listings provide additional features, including CTA (call-to-action) buttons and comment sections.

Regardless, you will generate increased revenue by making it easy for potential customers to find and purchase from your local business.

So, look at the top paid directory listing platforms and compare prices.

Moreover, consider placing your listings on multiple platforms for the best results.

Utilizing different types of paid traffic works best

Regarding paid traffic, utilizing multiple sources tends to generate superior results as you can determine which paid ads work and which ones to avoid.

Initially, you could run a PPC campaign alongside a sponsored post to achieve short and long-term results.

That is to say, the ad will draw in immediate results, while your sponsored post will continue to drive long-term exposure.

Again, it is best to test different methods and determine which generates the most traffic and the best results.

In conclusion

As shown above, you should consider numerous channels and sources of paid traffic when increasing awareness by advertising your local business.

Equally important, consider your budget and how quickly you wish to see results before selecting the appropriate option.

Now is the perfect time to invest in paid traffic and jumpstart your business growth.

Thus, work hard, stay focused, continue learning, keep testing, and never give up.

Talk Soon,


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