December 22


5 Steps to Create a Lead Generation Report for Your Business

By Erik

December 22, 2022

Data Analysis, Excel Spreadsheet, Information Tracking, Lead Generation Report, Specialist Templates

Creating an in-depth report is a fantastic way to evaluate the performance of your current lead-generation efforts and strategy.

With this in mind, tracking your strategy allows you to determine areas that work and those needing improvement.

In this post, you'll learn everything necessary to create a lead generation report for your business by following the tips below.

From understanding what information to track to analyzing the results, you'll have the tools to create an impactful report to help make your lead-generation campaign successful.

What is a lead generation report?

A lead generation report generates an analysis of leads in your business and shows the following:

  • The number of leads you acquired during a set period
  • How quickly you responded to the leads that came in
  • The lead conversion rate

For example, you can create lead-generation reports for pay-per-click and social media advertising campaigns.

Moreover, once you have sufficient information, you can more easily determine whether your lead generation strategy works or needs fine-tuning for better results.

It is worth noting that marketers, salespeople, and lead managers regularly rely on lead generation reports.

How to create a lead generation report

So, now that you are familiar with lead generation reports, how can you create one, and what type of report should you create?

For example, do you need a lead generation report for email marketing, PPC advertising, or social media marketing campaigns?

Regardless, some general steps are best to follow.

Step 1: Consider using a specialist template

Creating a lead generation report can be complex, depending on how many leads you need to analyze.

Consequently, many businesses rely on platforms like Boingnet that can generate specialized lead-generation reports.

Moreover, numerous additional platforms provide templates you can use, saving time and making lead analysis more manageable.

Many free templates are available online; however, you can also pay for lead generation report software as a superior solution.

Step 2: What information will you track?

Regardless of whether you are creating the report yourself or using a specialized template, you should identify what information you intend to track.

For inspiration, some of the metrics analyzed in a lead generation report include:

  • Total number of leads that came in
  • The rate of conversion
  • The cost of conversions
  • The follow-up time on conversions

So, take some time to consider the most important metrics you'll need to track and then create a list.

Step 3: Use an Excel spreadsheet

If you plan on using something other than a specialized template, the easiest way to create your report is via Excel spreadsheet.

First, you'll need to insert each metric into the spreadsheet; then, to monitor results, you'll want to use your CRM (Customer Relationship Management) or PPC (Pay-Per-Click) analysis.

Finally, you can then enter the results into the spreadsheet.

It is essential to understand that this manual method of reporting can take significant time and effort; therefore, investing in automated reporting tools could be well worth the added expense.

Step 4: Bring all your lead generation efforts together

You'll need to combine all your efforts, including analyzing results from email marketing, social media marketing, and PPC advertising, to understand whether your lead generation strategy is working sufficiently.

Step 5: Analyze the results

The final step in your lead generation report is to analyze the results by asking yourself:

  • Where are the leads originating?
  • How many converted into customers?
  • Which platforms deliver the best results?
  • How long did it take you or your team to respond to leads?
  • How well are each of your lead generation strategies working?

Again, take time to analyze the results, and consider investing in professional software instead of doing it manually.

Regardless, accuracy is necessary to gain the benefits of lead generation reporting, which can be difficult when you are new to report analysis.

In conclusion

Lead generation reports help deliver a comprehensive look at different marketing campaigns' performance while identifying areas that need improvement.

Additionally, you can track your results weekly, monthly, or quarterly; however, the more frequently you analyze your results, the more effective your lead-generation strategy will become.

Yet, with the correct information, creating a lead generation report is not just a way to track results but a key component to success.

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