December 22


5 Ways to Determine the Best TikTok Video Topics for Your Business

By Erik

December 22, 2022

Community Projects, Competitor Analysis, Personalized Content, TikToK Marketing, TikTok Trends, Valuable Content

Like all social networks, TikTok started as a place to connect with friends and family; however, it has become one of the leading social media platforms in recent years.

Moreover, businesses now use the platform to help expand their reach and attract new leads.

With this in mind, you may wonder which topics to emphasize and where to focus your efforts when marketing your business and joining the TikTok trend.

What types of content should you post, and how can you find the best ideas?

In this post, we'll teach you five ways to determine the best TikTok video topics for your business.

1. Look at what your competition is doing

Among the quickest and easiest ways to develop appropriate topics for your business is to look up your competitors on the platform and ask yourself:

  • What type of content are they producing?
  • Which topics are receiving the most engagement?
  • Are there any topics that yield little engagement and response?

To be sure, seeing what your competitors are doing gives you a good idea of things to focus on and avoid in your content marketing ideas.

2. Follow the latest trends

Checking out the latest trending topics helps ensure you create content for TikTok that your audience will love, as these are the topics that users are most interested in now.

Thus, you will naturally receive more traffic to your content by searching trending topics and posting related videos.

With this in mind, you can visit the Discover tab or follow the hashtag #trendalert to view videos related to current trends.

Correspondingly, many TikTok users utilize this hashtag to promote the latest TikTok trends.

Therefore, once you have a list of current trends, you should determine which one best relates to your business while ensuring that your video is relevant to the current trend.

If it is, you will likely receive the results you sought.

3. Provide value to your audience

The best TikTok topics for businesses are those that provide value to their audience.

Specifically, many companies see great results when posting how-to videos that show their audience how to solve their problems or issues.

After all, establishing that you can help solve your audience's problems will increase their likelihood of wanting to do business with you.

Again, make sure the content is something related to your business.

4. Get personal with your content

Consumers naturally desire a more personalized experience when choosing brands to follow and interact with; that is, they want to learn more about you and your business.

In reality, there are multiple types of unique content you can produce as a local business, including:

  • Behind-The-Scenes
  • Packaging orders
  • Meet the team
  • Pet-related content

For example, Behind-The-Scenes content gives customers a look inside your business, building trust and engagement by introducing your team in personalized videos.

In other words, feel free to add personality to your TikTok videos while allowing your audience to get to know you.

5. Look for local community projects

A fantastic way to generate a larger audience on TikTok, or any social media platform, is to focus on community projects.

After all, consumers like to follow and purchase from brands that actively support and help out in their local communities.

Therefore, look at what community involvement partnerships are running, and then see if you could fill a gap in the market.

At the same time, consider the causes you are most passionate about and then create a video to discuss the project and highlight how your business supports it.

In conclusion

Creating content your viewers will enjoy can take time and effort.

But if you use the abovementioned techniques, you should notice more visitors to your site and more sales.

Moreover, understanding your audience's interests and leveraging current trends can help you choose suitable topics for your business.

Again, when done correctly, TikTok marketing can be a powerful tool for businesses.

Your followers are waiting for you to create unforgettable content they can't help but share.

So, let your creativity take the lead and watch your business soar.

Talk Soon,


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