January 24


Best Methods to Promote a Local Business Through Email

By Erik

January 24, 2023

Automation Tools, Customer Feedback, Email List Building, Email Personalization, Email Subject Lines, Local Business Marketing, Offer Promotion, Online Reviews, Product Promotion

As an entrepreneur, you understand the importance of promoting your brand to reach the maximum number of prospects.

With this in mind, email marketing is undoubtedly among the most efficient and reliable ways of promoting your local business; however, there are numerous mistakes you should try to avoid, particularly when you're new to this digital marketing technique.

Additionally, it is best to focus on specific methods to achieve superior results when implementing email marketing campaigns within your local business.

In this post, you'll discover some of the best methods for using email to promote your local business while attracting and retaining loyal customers.

So, if you're ready to learn how to start generating business with email, then let's get started.

Build up an email list to promote your local business

To begin with, you must create an email list of recipients before promoting your local business via email marketing.

With this in mind, in the past, companies often purchased lists of prospects when creating and organizing their email marketing campaigns.

However, that practice is now considered an improper way of conducting business.

Instead, you'll need to ensure that you reach out only to those who have consented to be contacted by your company.

In Europe, for example, GDPR rules prohibit you from sending random emails to people who haven't opted into your list.

Nevertheless, you can quickly build a legitimate email list by offering a free lead magnet to encourage email sign-ups.

For example, customers can agree to receive marketing emails in exchange for a free informational product.

Promoting new products with offers

Although emails should predominantly include valuable tips, resources, and information, sending occasional promotional messages to your customers is acceptable.

After all, customers love receiving updates regarding new offers from their favorite brands.

Thus, promoting new products with exclusive offers can boost your conversions.

Moreover, keeping your prospects and customers updated on your new products can also serve as a USP (Unique Selling Proposition) for signing up for your email list.

Ask for reviews and feedback

Many prospects prefer reading reviews and feedback before purchasing.

Consequently, showcasing your company as reliable and trustworthy will help differentiate you from your lesser competitors.

With this in mind, asking current customers to leave reviews and feedback following each purchase is helpful.

Above all, the more positive reviews you receive for your business, the better your local business appears to prospects.

Likewise, including positive feedback and testimonials in your emails helps encourage future purchases.

Personalize your emails to promote your local business

The days of sending general copy-and-paste style emails are long gone.

These days, customers want and expect personalization.

That is to say, truly effective emails should be tailored and personalized to each customer.

Fortunately, you can accomplish this easily via tools that automatically personalize your emails.

You can also segment your email list by sending different email types to each customer category.

In particular, you should remember to use the customer's first name in the intro rather than something generic such as "dear customer."

Localize your subject line

It is important to remember that adding local information into your subject lines can help generate better results and improve open rates when emailing recipients near your business.

For example, "Get your life together with my exclusive coaching program in Cleveland, Ohio," or "Don't miss this awesome coaching opportunity for Cleveland residents" are excellent subject lines for life coaches offering services in that particular city.

By all means, mentioning the specific local area will garner more interest than a generic subject line.

Make use of automation tools

Keeping up with the number of emails you need to send can be challenging when you have a business to manage.

Consequently, investing in automation is essential when promoting your local business through email, as timely messages throughout the buyer's journey are paramount to email marketing success.

Specifically, automation tools help you schedule emails that deliver on specific days and times and even take care of your welcome emails whenever a new customer opts into your list.

In conclusion

As shown above, email marketing is a simple yet cost-effective method for local businesses to promote their brand to prospects and customers.

Again, companies must pay close attention to their email content and the value they provide to customers.

It's also important to remember to abide by email marketing rules to ensure quality customer experiences while avoiding legal issues.

In the final analysis, achieving success with email marketing takes time and effort.

However, by applying these strategies, local businesses should see positive results.

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