December 7


Sales Funnels for Local Businesses

By Erik

December 7, 2022

Action Funnel Stage, Awareness Funnel Stage, Conversion Process, Decision Funnel Stage, Interest Funnel Stage, Lead Magnets, Local Business Marketing, Prospects

Creating and implementing a well-optimized sales funnel requires significant time and effort, but the future benefits are worth it.

With this in mind, sales funnels can help streamline and increase revenue while taking your local business to the next level.

This post will examine the fundamentals of utilizing sales funnels for local businesses.

So, read on to learn how to turn your local business into a sales success.

What are sales funnels?

A sales funnel consists of steps that drive prospects and customers closer to purchasing, and every business has one, even if they don't realize it.

Let's now look at the different stages of a typical sales funnel.


Awareness is the first funnel stage, where potential customers initially encounter your products and services. 

Perhaps they discovered your website or viewed one of your published social media posts in their feed.

Regardless, after becoming aware of your business, they will either make an immediate purchase or, more likely, progress to the next funnel stage.


The interest stage of a sales funnel is where the customer desires to learn more about you and your business while reviewing your products and services and comparing your pricing and offers against your competitors.

That is to say; they are interested but still undecided during this stage.


Upon reaching the decision stage, your prospects are ready to purchase.

With this in mind, whether they ultimately buy from your business or one of your competitors depends on what they discovered during the interest stage, including how well you have designed and marketed your products and services.


The final stage consists of consumer action, where your hard work pays off, and the customer finalizes a purchase transaction.

It is essential to understand that some prospects that travel through your sales funnel will never become customers, as no business ever converts 100% of its leads.

Regardless, when considering the entirety of a sales funnel, you aim to ensure you market effectively during each phase while moving the customer toward funnel completion.

How to use sales funnels for your local business

Ensuring a successful sales funnel requires taking a few necessary steps, including:

Step 1: Understanding your prospects

You need to understand your customers if you want prospects to progress successfully through your sales funnel.

Who are your ideal customers, and how do they typically discover your products?

In addition, consider the keywords they might use to search for your products and services online.

Where do they hang out, and what are their most significant problems or issues?

Again, adequately understanding your prospects and customers leads to more manageable marketing efforts.

Step 2: Create a lead magnet to draw in customers

Lead magnets are excellent tools to help advance your customers from the awareness to the interest stage. 

Examples of lead magnets include reports, guides, checklists, and courses you offer your customers to help entice them to opt-in for your email list.

Above all, your lead magnet should help solve a common problem and provide significant value to the customer regardless of your chosen type.

Most people who opt-in to receive your lead magnet will be happy to continue receiving your emails after receiving a helpful lead magnet; however, some will unsubscribe after consuming your free offer, which brings us to the next step.

Step 3: Utilize email marketing

After your customers have opted into your email list, you can begin marketing your products and services, which is excellent for retaining customers while encouraging new ones to purchase. 

Nevertheless, you should research best practices when implementing your email marketing campaigns.

Step 4: Pay attention to your conversion process

Finally, it would be best to focus on your conversion process by ensuring persuasive sales pages, providing helpful FAQs, and personalizing your marketing efforts toward your customers.

Moreover, ensuring a streamlined process that makes purchasing easy for customers will help you achieve increased conversions.

In conclusion

Sales funnels are essential in any business, especially if you want to expand your reach.

Consequently, it would be best to utilize the abovementioned ways to grow your local business by properly implementing sales funnels and refining your customer journey.

So, start by learning the basics and then get creative.

Again, creating a sales funnel for your business can be daunting, but the rewards are worth the effort.

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